Here’s the synopsis of a call my partner and I ran today. A transport company dumped a 550lb woman off their litter onto the sidewalk. Loss of consciousness, head, neck, back pain, right side pain. Requested the Bariatric ambulance from our company (wide litter, ramps, winch, and other equipment).

The Mega Mover… Macgyver EMS
Requested Fire for assist. Then special called the rescue company for plywood.
We took 1/2″ sheet of the plywood, sawed it in half and then cut to fit the litter. Secured the two half pieces together. C-collared the patient, then utilized a mega mover (tarp with reinforced handles), and slid her onto the plywood. Secured her using two 9 foot straps and that was our spine board. Patient was then lifted onto the litter and loaded into the ambulance. That was definitely a learning experience
The photo above shows the Mega mover (reinforced tarp), 2 pieces of 1/2″ plywood, and a sheet (the original cloth mega mover had blood so we decided to simulate with a sheet instead to hopefully keep the butt hurters happy)
Do you have a funny story to tell or a humorous bit of ingenious solution to a public safety problem… email us… [email protected]