A story sent to us by a fan
I love the guys with the private ambulance company that comes to the retirement home where I work, they’re great and don’t treat us like we’re stupid just because we’re security. I do not however get along with their dispatcher.

Private Ambulance Companies
They have two dispatch numbers, one for after hours. This was the first time I had called after hours and I waited and waited for someone to pick up. Finally someone did!
Dispatcher: …Uh…Hello?
Me: Is this xxx?
Dispatcher: Uh ya.
Me: Ok well we need a transport for- (he interupts me)
Dispatcher: Ok I have a crew right here at the station they’ll be there in 7 minutes.
Me: ….Would you like the adress?
Dispatcher: ….Ok
Me: (gives adress) Also the pt is- (interupted again!)
Dispatcher: Ok I’ll send them right over –
Me: Can you at least tell them the pt is on O2 and is in respiratory distress?
Dispatched: Ok bye.
I swear….I’ve had arguments with dispatchers before (wont let me hang up when I’ve got a pt to care for)…but this guy…wow…