I work in Boulder CO. and on 4/20 we braced for the slaughter, but it was relatively quiet. Around 10p we got toned out to a city just north of Boulder for a “possible overdose” we ran out lights and siren. Upon arrival on scene there were already five BPD officers on scene. So my partner and I got out, put on our gloves, and I approached the patient who was sitting in the grass surrounded by Police. So I asked “Why did you cal 911?” He looks up like he can’t believe I had to ask, holds up his finger (which has clearly been scabbed over for days) and says “I cut my finger.”
So I (a little confused) asked “You called 911 because you cut your finger a couple days ago?”

The Cops all start to snicker and laugh.
“No, I called because I spilled a toxic substance on it.”
The officer and I in unison “What toxic substance did you spill on your finger?”
He tells us “Well, milk and then I had a milkshake.” (crickets) …
Officer (with a completely serious look on his face.) “Did that milkshake bring all the boys to the yard?” The entire scene was laughing so hard we could hardly breath.! I call that officer milkshake to this day…